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Beer Taps

Kitchen rules

Everyone is welcome to borrow kitchen space, if the following rules are followed. 
We use the kitchen as a large part of being able to provide Tross services. Please treat the space with respect.

  1. Sign-in rule: You must sign-in on a sheet, using your out-game name and the counter space number. If you need multiple counter spaces, you can talk to us about signing in to use multiple counters.For larger groups cooking together, one person must sign in and is responsible for the space.

  2. Common sense hygiene rule:  The kitchen is a shared space we use to prepare food, & for people with allergies and dietary restrictions. We appeal to your common sense in maintaining a high standard of hygiene. 

  3. Designated space rule: You can only use the kitchen if one of the designated counter spaces is free. These are labelled and numbered with tape. You may share counterspace with other players to help you prepare your meal.

  4. Attendance rule: The person who is signed in may not leave the kitchen, especially if using the stove. (Of course, this doesn't apply if you need to use the rest room or there is an out-game emergency)

  5. Clean-up rule: Once you are done preparing your food, your counter space must be cleared and wiped down. If you use any cookware, it must be washed, dried and sorted. 

  6. Check-out rule: Before you leave the tross, you must check-out your kitchen counter space with a Tross-keeper. Only then will a Tross-keeper cross your name off the sign-in sheet. 

We will enforce a single and final warning policy. 

Can I just grab a cup of water from the sink? Yes. At any time, without needing to ask us. 

Can I wash my cutlery/dishes in the sink? Yes. At any time, without needing to ask us.

Can I use the sink to wash some dirt and fake blood off my hands and clothes? No. The sink is for food purposes only.
Please find a rest room or shower.
Can I store my food in the fridge? Yes. However, all food must be labelled with your out-game name. We will provide stickers and pens. Unlabeled food will be disposed of. There is limited space, and we may call a hard stop on storage.

I have dietary requirements and must keep my food separately refrigerated. Can you guarantee a space free of contamination? No. We are not in the kitchen all the time, and other players will store food in the fridge. 

Can I use your pots and pans? No. We only have personal use items, which we will not share.

Can I bring and store my own cookware in the kitchen? Yes, but only if you speak to a tross-keeper about where you can store your belongings. 

Can I use the stove? Yes, provided you sign-in and adhere to our rules.
Can I use your garbage bins? Yes. Only into trash bags. 
 There's a really important in-game thing, and I'm signed in and in the middle of making food. Can I duck out really quickly and be right back. It's super quick. I promise. It's really really important. Please? No, The only exception to this rule is to leave your checked-in counter space for out-game emergencies. We will not hesitate to enforce our strict single and final warning policy. 
This is all too much. Can I ask you in person? Yes! Never hesitate to talk to a Tross-keeper. We look forwards to helping you where and when we can!

TLDR: No cooking without sign-in. No leaving without check-out. Must stay in kitchen while cooking. Common sense hygiene.

Kitchen Rules: About
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